Intersectional Identities

While homelessness impacts a diverse array of people internationally, in many contexts it tends to be experienced disproportionately by marginalized groups who face additional barriers to housing due to discrimination. Each of group faces its own set of problems, traumas, and barriers to housing. Explore the links below for research and resources on the intersections of homelessness and other marginalized groups.

LGBTQIA+ and Gender Diversity

At the Intersections: A Collaborative Resource on LGBTQ Youth Homelessness

At the Intersections: A Collaborative Resource on LGBTQ Youth Homelessness

Equal Access for Transgender People: Supporting Inclusive Housing and Shelters

Equal Access for Transgender People: Supporting Inclusive Housing and Shelters

Housing Need & Homelessness Amongst Gender-Diverse People in Canada

Housing Need & Homelessness Amongst Gender-Diverse People in Canada

Research of LGBTQ2S Lived Experience of Homelessness in Calgary

Research of LGBTQ2S Lived Experience of Homelessness in Calgary

Transgender Homeless Adults & Unsheltered Homelessness: What the Data Tell Us

Transgender Homeless Adults & Unsheltered Homelessness: What the Data Tell Us

Priorities from Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Queer (LGBQ)/Trans* People

Priorities from Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Queer (LGBQ)/Trans* People

Left Out: Why Many LGBTQ+ People Aren’t Accessing Their Right to Housing in the UK

Left Out: Why Many LGBTQ+ People Aren’t Accessing Their Right to Housing in the UK

Data Snapshot: Non-Cisgender Homeless Individuals Face Higher Risk of Being Unsheltered

Data Snapshot: Non-Cisgender Homeless Individuals Face Higher Risk of Being Unsheltered

LGBTIQ+ Homelessness: A Review of the Literature

LGBTIQ+ Homelessness: A Review of the Literature

Not Just a ‘Youth Problem’: LGBT+ Experiences of Homelessness Across the Life Course in Fife, Scotland

Not Just a ‘Youth Problem’: LGBT+ Experiences of Homelessness Across the Life Course in Fife, Scotland

Intersections: The LGBTI II Survey

Intersections: The LGBTI II Survey

Race and Ethnicity

An Aboriginal Cultural Safety Framework for the Specialist Homelessness Sector

An Aboriginal Cultural Safety Framework for the Specialist Homelessness Sector

Ethnic Inequalities and Homelessness in the UK

Ethnic Inequalities and Homelessness in the UK

Equity and Homelessness

Equity and Homelessness

Webinar: For Indigenous People, Preserving "Home", Culture, and Community is a Human Right

Webinar: For Indigenous People, Preserving "Home", Culture, and Community is a Human Right

Webinar: Hard Conversation about Racial Equity in Housing and Homelessness

Webinar: Hard Conversation about Racial Equity in Housing and Homelessness

Homelessness and Black and Minoritised Ethnic Communities in the UK

Homelessness and Black and Minoritised Ethnic Communities in the UK

Webinar: Housing, Poverty, and Racism in the Movement to End Homelessness

Webinar: Housing, Poverty, and Racism in the Movement to End Homelessness

Podcast: Indigenous Epistemologies & Open Science: Learning from the Land

Podcast: Indigenous Epistemologies & Open Science: Learning from the Land

LAHSA Opportunities for Advancing Racial Equity

LAHSA Opportunities for Advancing Racial Equity

Native American and Indigenous Peoples FAQs

Native American and Indigenous Peoples FAQs

Racial Equity Toolkit

Racial Equity Toolkit

Regional Consultation on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples in Asia

Regional Consultation on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples in Asia

Vulnerability to Homelessness, Use of Services and Homelessness Prevention in Black and Minority Ethnic Communities

Vulnerability to Homelessness, Use of Services and Homelessness Prevention in Black and Minority Ethnic Communities

UNOG Library Resource Guide on People of African Descent

UNOG Library Resource Guide on People of African Descent

Racial Disparities in Homelessness Persist: A Data Snapshot

Racial Disparities in Homelessness Persist: A Data Snapshot


‘A Shelter is Not a Home’: Voices of Homeless Women in the City of Tshwane

‘A Shelter is Not a Home’: Voices of Homeless Women in the City of Tshwane

Findings of a Study Exploring Homeless Street Females in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Findings of a Study Exploring Homeless Street Females in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Implementation of the Right to Housing for Women, Girls, and Gender Diverse People in Canada

Implementation of the Right to Housing for Women, Girls, and Gender Diverse People in Canada

Japanese Social Exclusion and Inclusion from a Housing Perspective

Japanese Social Exclusion and Inclusion from a Housing Perspective

Mainstreaming Gender Into Mega-City Development Programs

Mainstreaming Gender Into Mega-City Development Programs

Women's Homelessness: International Evidence on Causes, Consequences, Coping and Policies

Women's Homelessness: International Evidence on Causes, Consequences, Coping and Policies

Women's Land Rights as a Pathway to Poverty Reduction

Women's Land Rights as a Pathway to Poverty Reduction

FEANTSA Women - Community of Practice

FEANTSA Women - Community of Practice

Violence in the Lives of Homeless Women in the City of São Paulo, Brazil

Violence in the Lives of Homeless Women in the City of São Paulo, Brazil

Vivir en la calle: experiencias corporales para pensar los géneros en Bogotá

Vivir en la calle: experiencias corporales para pensar los géneros en Bogotá

Invisibles, Vulnerables, pero Resilientes: Mujeres Migrantes en Situación de Sinhogarismo y Estrategias de Supervivencia Femeninas

Invisibles, Vulnerables, pero Resilientes: Mujeres Migrantes en Situación de Sinhogarismo y Estrategias de Supervivencia Femeninas

Podcast: Programa de vivienda y servicios para mujeres

Podcast: Programa de vivienda y servicios para mujeres


Consortium for Street Children 2019 Annual Review

Consortium for Street Children 2019 Annual Review

Impact Report 2022-2023 (EN) | Making the Shift Social Innovation Lab

Impact Report 2022-2023 (EN) | Making the Shift Social Innovation Lab

A Study on Street Children in Zimbabwe

A Study on Street Children in Zimbabwe

Book: Children on the Streets of the Americas

Book: Children on the Streets of the Americas

Life Experiences of Street Children in Bulawayo

Life Experiences of Street Children in Bulawayo

Prevalence and Risk Factors for Inhalant and Other Substance Use Among Street Boys in Kisumu, Kenya

Prevalence and Risk Factors for Inhalant and Other Substance Use Among Street Boys in Kisumu, Kenya

Social Correlates and Coping Measures of Street-Children

Social Correlates and Coping Measures of Street-Children

Podcast: Young and Homeless

Podcast: Young and Homeless

Child and Youth Homelessness in the United States: Data Profiles

Child and Youth Homelessness in the United States: Data Profiles

Más allá de la vivienda: Juventud y sinhogarismo

Más allá de la vivienda: Juventud y sinhogarismo

Watch: Youth Experiencing Homelessness in Cook County, Illinois

Watch: Youth Experiencing Homelessness in Cook County, Illinois

Health Inequalities Among Homeless Adolescents

Health Inequalities Among Homeless Adolescents

ESF+ TOOLKIT: Mobilising European Funds to Prevent and Combat Youth Homelessness

ESF+ TOOLKIT: Mobilising European Funds to Prevent and Combat Youth Homelessness

People With Disabilities

People with Disability Transitioning from Prison and their Pathways Into Homelessness

People with Disability Transitioning from Prison and their Pathways Into Homelessness

Personas en situación de sinhogarismo y discapacidad

Personas en situación de sinhogarismo y discapacidad

Personas con discapacidad mental o psicosocial en situación de calle

Personas con discapacidad mental o psicosocial en situación de calle

Podcast: Rethinking Development - Disability, Poverty and Society

Podcast: Rethinking Development - Disability, Poverty and Society

The Relative Risk of Homelessness among Persons with a Disability

The Relative Risk of Homelessness among Persons with a Disability

Protocolo de acceso a servicios para personas en situación de sinhogarismo con discapacidad

Protocolo de acceso a servicios para personas en situación de sinhogarismo con discapacidad