Definition and Homeless Data

Defining homelessness is the act of specifying who is considered homeless in a particular region. Homelessness definitions are important since, among other things, they shape policy priorities, determine who will be eligible for public assistance, and establish the conceptual framework that people use to understand homelessness in their communities.

Given the challenges associated with defining global homelessness, some organizations and researchers have developed typologies and frameworks in hopes that a common point of reference will help facilitate collective learning among countries, establish a common language around homelessness, and strengthen the validity of cross-national homelessness data comparisons.

Defining and Measuring Homelessness

Counting the Homeless: Improving Knowledge of the Unsheltered Homeless Population

Counting the Homeless: Improving Knowledge of the Unsheltered Homeless Population

The Principles of an Ideal Homelessness Administrative Data System: Lessons From Global Practice

The Principles of an Ideal Homelessness Administrative Data System: Lessons From Global Practice

Characterizing People Experiencing Homelessness and Trends in Homelessness in Ontario

Characterizing People Experiencing Homelessness and Trends in Homelessness in Ontario

Populations Experiencing Homelessness in OECD Countries

Populations Experiencing Homelessness in OECD Countries

A Guide to Undertaking a Rough Sleeping Count

A Guide to Undertaking a Rough Sleeping Count

Everyone Counts: A Guide to Point-In-Time Counts in Canada

Everyone Counts: A Guide to Point-In-Time Counts in Canada

Rough Sleeping Snapshot Estimates Toolkit 2024

Rough Sleeping Snapshot Estimates Toolkit 2024

Point-In-Time Survey Tools

Point-In-Time Survey Tools

Built For Zero Canada: Registry Week Toolkit

Built For Zero Canada: Registry Week Toolkit

Australian Alliance to End Homelessness: Registry Week Toolkit

Australian Alliance to End Homelessness: Registry Week Toolkit

A Classification Model of Homelessness Using Integrated Administrative Data

A Classification Model of Homelessness Using Integrated Administrative Data

Linkage of People Experiencing Homelessness Using Two Consent Models

Linkage of People Experiencing Homelessness Using Two Consent Models

Learning About Homelessness Using Linked Survey and Administrative Data

Learning About Homelessness Using Linked Survey and Administrative Data

Estimating Homelessness in The Netherlands Using a Capture-Recapture Approach

Estimating Homelessness in The Netherlands Using a Capture-Recapture Approach

How the U.S. Census Collects Homelessness Data

How the U.S. Census Collects Homelessness Data

Different Approaches to the Census

Different Approaches to the Census

Census of Population and Housing: Estimating Homelessness Methodology

Census of Population and Housing: Estimating Homelessness Methodology

New Zealand 2018 Severe Housing Deprivation Estimate

New Zealand 2018 Severe Housing Deprivation Estimate

Program Evaluation for the Homelessness Sector

Program Evaluation for the Homelessness Sector

Using Data Equitably

Centering Racial Equity in Data Use

Centering Racial Equity in Data Use

Calculating Change: The Continuing Conversation on Homelessness Data Reform

Calculating Change: The Continuing Conversation on Homelessness Data Reform

Coordinated Entry System Refinement Lab: Chicago Action Agenda and Continuum of Care

Coordinated Entry System Refinement Lab: Chicago Action Agenda and Continuum of Care

Principles for Advancing Equitable Data Practice

Principles for Advancing Equitable Data Practice

A Toolkit for Centering Racial Equity Throughout Data Integration

A Toolkit for Centering Racial Equity Throughout Data Integration

How Intersectional Approaches to Data Can be Used to Drive Whole Systems Change

How Intersectional Approaches to Data Can be Used to Drive Whole Systems Change

Knowledge by Whom? Knowledge for Whom?

Knowledge by Whom? Knowledge for Whom?

The Role of NGO's Service Delivery Experience in Developing Relevant Research Agendas

The Role of NGO's Service Delivery Experience in Developing Relevant Research Agendas

Evaluation and Monitoring

Measuring Your Impact Toolkit

Measuring Your Impact Toolkit

Becoming an Outcome-Oriented Homeless System

Becoming an Outcome-Oriented Homeless System

International Journal of Population Data Science

International Journal of Population Data Science

Data & Equity: Using the Data You Have

Data & Equity: Using the Data You Have

SHARE Framework

SHARE Framework

A Toolkit on Performance Measurement

A Toolkit on Performance Measurement

The Western Australian Alliance to End Homelessness Outcomes Measurement and Evaluation Framework

The Western Australian Alliance to End Homelessness Outcomes Measurement and Evaluation Framework

Mapping Outcomes: Embedding Evaluation in the Life of an Organization for Improved Social Change Programming

Mapping Outcomes: Embedding Evaluation in the Life of an Organization for Improved Social Change Programming



Homeless People in León: Conceptualizing and Measuring Homelessness in a Developing Country


Hacer que cada persona cuente: el censo colaborativo y participativo de personas sin hogar en la ciudad de València


Street Situation: Conceptualization and Measurement Methods in the City of Buenos Aires


Signposting Invisibles: A Study of the Homeless Population in India

Nordic Countries

Measurement of Homelessness in the Nordic Countries

Hong Kong

Homeless Outreach Population Estimation Hong Kong


Instituto Nacional de Estadística


Defining and Enumerating Homelessness in Canada

United States

State of Homelessness: 2024 Edition

Northern Ireland

Homelessness in Northern Ireland


An Evaluation of Permanent and Temporary Post-Pandemic Shelter Homes in Bengaluru


Caracterización de personas Habitantes de la Calle en Colombia entre 2017 y 2021


In Search of Good Data – But Do We Better Understand Homeless Mortality?