
Homelessness prevention refers to a wide array of policies and interventions that address factors contributing to homelessness as a means of preventing it before it occurs. Some prevention activities may operate at a more general, society-wide level whereas others are targeted towards individuals in a crisis situation. Preventative approaches emerge from the observation that homelessness has identifiable causes and entry points and that identifying and effectively addressing these causes and pathways can reduce the number of people experiencing homelessness and be a critical part of a community’s plan to address homelessness. Explore the links below for research and resources on homelessness prevention.


Preventing Homelessness: A Review of the International Evidence

Preventing Homelessness: A Review of the International Evidence

Advancing a Five-Level Typology of Homelessness Prevention

Advancing a Five-Level Typology of Homelessness Prevention

Preventing Youth Homelessness: An International Review of Evidence

Preventing Youth Homelessness: An International Review of Evidence

Perceptions: Exploring Youth Homelessness Prevention and Diversion in the United States

Perceptions: Exploring Youth Homelessness Prevention and Diversion in the United States

Solving Homelessness from a Complex Systems Perspective: Insights for Prevention Responses

Solving Homelessness from a Complex Systems Perspective: Insights for Prevention Responses

Reducing and Preventing Homelessness: Lessons from Randomized Evaluations

Reducing and Preventing Homelessness: Lessons from Randomized Evaluations

Reducing and Preventing Homelessness: A Review of the Evidence and Charting a Research Agenda

Reducing and Preventing Homelessness: A Review of the Evidence and Charting a Research Agenda

Do Homelessness Prevention Programs Prevent Homelessness? Evidence from a Randomized Controlled Trial

Do Homelessness Prevention Programs Prevent Homelessness? Evidence from a Randomized Controlled Trial

The Impact of Homelessness Prevention Programs on Homelessness

The Impact of Homelessness Prevention Programs on Homelessness

Diversion Resources - Built For Zero Canada

Diversion Resources - Built For Zero Canada

Housing & Anti-Displacement Tools

Housing & Anti-Displacement Tools

Social Protection Systems for All to Prevent Homelessness and Facilitate Access to Adequate Housing

Social Protection Systems for All to Prevent Homelessness and Facilitate Access to Adequate Housing

Social Innovation in Preventing Homelessness amongst Young People in Canada and Wales: International Engagement as a Key Driver

Social Innovation in Preventing Homelessness amongst Young People in Canada and Wales: International Engagement as a Key Driver

Facing Eviction: Homelessness Prevention for Low-Income Tenant Households

Facing Eviction: Homelessness Prevention for Low-Income Tenant Households

A New Direction: A Framework for Homelessness Prevention

A New Direction: A Framework for Homelessness Prevention


Interventions to Prevent Tenant Evictions: A Systematic Review

Interventions to Prevent Tenant Evictions: A Systematic Review

Common Trends in Eviction Research: a Systematic Literature Review

Common Trends in Eviction Research: a Systematic Literature Review

Healthcare Discharge

The Role of Effective Discharge Planning in Preventing Homelessness

The Role of Effective Discharge Planning in Preventing Homelessness

Hospital-Based Preventative Interventions for People Experiencing Homelessness in High-Income Countries: A Systematic Review

Hospital-Based Preventative Interventions for People Experiencing Homelessness in High-Income Countries: A Systematic Review

Improving Hospital Admission and Discharge for People who are Homeless

Improving Hospital Admission and Discharge for People who are Homeless

Carceral System Discharge

Discharge Programmes for Individuals Experiencing Homelessness

Discharge Programmes for Individuals Experiencing Homelessness

Homelessness and Incarceration: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Homelessness and Incarceration: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Criminal Justice Re-Entry and Homelessness

Criminal Justice Re-Entry and Homelessness



The Action Plan for Preventing Homelessness in Finland 2016-2019

Great Britain

Everybody In: How to End Homelessness in Great Britain (2018)


An Evaluation of the Eviction Prevention in the Community (EPIC) Program


Preventing Discharge to No Fixed Address


Risk of Homelessness After Prison Release and Recidivism in Denmark


La Prisión y Después: Violencia, Reingreso y Situación de Calle

Newcastle, UK

Examining the Role of the ‘Local State’ in the Context of Austerity and Welfare Reforms

Wales, UK

Homelessness Prevention and the Welsh Legal Duty

Wales, UK

Life on the Streets: Preventing and Tackling Rough Sleeping in Wales

Los Angeles, U.S.A.

Predicting and Preventing Homelessness in Los Angeles

New York City, U.S.A.

Identifying Families for Homelessness Prevention Services


The Geelong Project


Living on the Streets: An Integrative Review About the Care for Homeless People