FEANTSA’s 2018 Policy Conference; Homelessness Among Transgender People in South Africa; and More

2018 FEANTSA Policy Conference: Future Challenges for the Homeless Sector in Europe The European Federation of National Organisations Working with the Homeless (FEANTSA)’s 2018 Policy Conference will be held on June 15, 2018 in Berlin, Germany. A pre-conference program, featuring a series of site visits and opportunities to network on various topics, will take place [...]

Homeless Hub Discusses Women and Youth Homelessness; a Recent Census in Bogotá, Colombia; and More

Homeless Hub: The women left behind On the Homeless Hub blog, Abe Oudshoorn of Western University discusses unique experiences and support needs of women and youth experiencing homelessness in Canada. Many times, women’s pathway to homelessness is unique to that of other groups. With this follows the need for unique support, such as safety measures [...]

Progress in Odense, Denmark; SPARC Report on Race and Homelessness in the US; Free Houses in Kerala, India; and More

Odense, Denmark Credits Housing First for Reduction in Homelessness Data from a recent survey shows that over the past two years, the number of people experiencing homelessness in Odense, Denmark, decreased from 173 to 113. Tommy Byrne of Dagbladet Holstebro states that of the 317 people who were housed between 2011 and 2017, over 92% [...]

Housing First in Integrated Strategies in the U.K., Housing Support After Incarceration in Australia, and More

Using Housing First in Integrated Homelessness Strategies In Using Housing First in Integrated Homelessness Strategies, Nicholas Pleace explores various aspects of the housing first model in the United Kingdom. The report assesses the evidence base for the housing first model and other homelessness services, considering effectiveness and cost-efficiency; analyzes the potential for integration of homelessness [...]