Homelessness and the New Urban Agenda

Last month, IGH joined 30,000 participants from 167 countries in Quito, Ecuador for the third United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development (Habitat III). Homelessness and the New Urban Agenda Following four days of workshops, high-level consultations and a village of interactive exhibits, United Nations member states formally adopted the New Urban Agenda. The [...]

Understanding Rural Homelessness in Canada; Housing Over 500 People in Auckland, New Zealand; and More

FEANTSA's 13th European Research Conference on Homelessness In partnership with the Metropolitan Research Institute Budapest and Foundation Budapest, FEANTSA will host the 13th Annual European Research Conference on Homelessness in Budapest. This year, the Social and Economic Integration of Homeless People themed conference will explore evidence on levels of and opportunities for social and economic [...]

Greater Manchester, England Works Toward Ending Rough Sleeping; The U.S. Department of Education Addresses Student Homelessness; and More

Centre for Homelessness Impact: Why reliable evidence matters The Centre for Homelessness Impact reflects on Evidence Week – an initiative led by Sense about Science and other agencies in the United Kingdom (UK). The initiative aims to explore the significance of evidence and data across a number of different fields of work and service and [...]

FEANTSA’s 2018 Policy Conference; Homelessness Among Transgender People in South Africa; and More

2018 FEANTSA Policy Conference: Future Challenges for the Homeless Sector in Europe The European Federation of National Organisations Working with the Homeless (FEANTSA)’s 2018 Policy Conference will be held on June 15, 2018 in Berlin, Germany. A pre-conference program, featuring a series of site visits and opportunities to network on various topics, will take place [...]

FEANTSA and Fondation Abbé Pierre Analyze Housing Exclusion in Europe; Professor Sarah Johnsen Gives Insight on Housing First; and More

FEANTSA and Fondation Abbé Pierre’s Third Overview of Housing Exclusion in Europe Since 2015, the European Federation of National Organisations Working with the Homeless (FEANTSA) and the Fondation Abbé Pierre have collaborated to produce an annual report that examines the latest Eurostat data and other aspects of housing in Europe. The 2018 Overview of Housing [...]

Freight Containers and Affordable Housing in Hong Kong, Housing Solutions for Young People in Europe, and More

Thinking Inside the Box: Hong Kong's Next Effort to Solve Affordable Housing Shortage According to the South China Morning Post, a plan to convert freight containers into living units to increase housing for those experiencing various forms of homelessness is under consideration in Hong Kong, China. Freight container units have been used for housing in [...]