Understanding Rural Homelessness in Canada; Housing Over 500 People in Auckland, New Zealand; and More

Understanding Rural Homelessness in Canada; Housing Over 500 People in Auckland, New Zealand; and More - Institute of Global Homelessness

FEANTSA’s 13th European Research Conference on Homelessness


In partnership with the Metropolitan Research Institute Budapest and Foundation Budapest, FEANTSA will host the 13th Annual European Research Conference on Homelessness in Budapest. This year, the Social and Economic Integration of Homeless People themed conference will explore evidence on levels of and opportunities for social and economic integration of people experiencing homelessness, as well as the broad theme of homelessness and housing exclusion, in Europe and elsewhere. FEANTSA and their partners welcome presentations on policies and practices that address social integration and labor market participation of people experiencing homelessness throughout Europe. The deadline to register is August 31, 2018.

Register here.

Rural Homelessness in Canada

Homelessness is often misunderstood as an issue that only occurs in large, urban areas. According to Malaika Taylor of the Canadian Observatory on Homelessness, street homelessness occurs in rural areas but often goes unnoticed or is hidden. Many people experiencing homelessness in rural areas are reluctant to acknowledge their situation. Sometimes, they are also discouraged from utilizing services and resources in city regions, due to barriers that limit accessibility. Lack of recognition of homelessness in rural communities can contribute to funding deficits for efforts to address the issue. In addition, services tailored to marginalized populations and their distinct lived experiences are sometimes non-existent. Fortunately, research on rural homelessness is increasing.

Read the article here.

On my own two feet: why do some people in the United Kingdom return to rough sleeping after time off the streets?

A team of peer researchers at St. Mungo’s Recovery College with lived experience of homelessness conducted a research project to explore reasons why people return to rough sleeping. They identified four key areas of analysis, push factors; pull factors; holes in the safety net; and access to services, and wish to emphasize that all of the factors act together to create stress on a person that can lead to rough sleeping again. Many of the participants expressed experiencing more than one push factor, sometimes simultaneously. Some push factors identified in the study include eviction; leaving accommodation due to unmet needs, poor quality, isolation, or loneliness; and more. Pull factors identified include feeling competent in survival; feeling confident in their ability to meet basic needs; feeling ‘addicted’ to the streets; and the desire to live free from rules or constraints. Their research suggests that often times, people have repeat experiences of street homelessness because they lack protective factors that would increase their resilience against crisis. The research team makes a number of recommendations including: increased access to housing; increased support after exiting homelessness, specifically related to criminal victimization and offending; and furthering research on a number of housing related issues.

Read the report on the IGH Hub.

Housing First in Auckland, New Zealand

Over 500 individuals and families experiencing homelessness in Auckland, New Zealand have obtained permanent housing since Housing First was launched in the city in March 2017. Led by Lifewise and Auckland City Mission, the program design was unique because it incorporates insight from people with lived experience of homelessness. The latest housing first figures come as New Zealand anticipates Housing First founder Sam Tsemberis’s visit for a week-long workshop tour across the country.

“Listening to the expertise of those who have lived experience of homelessness is a key element of getting this right for Māori,” said CEO of Lifewise, Moira Lawler.

Read the article here.

If there is news you would like to include in a future update, contact us here: http://www.ighomelessness.org/contact