Last week, representatives from 13 cities gathered in Chicago for the first annual Vanguard Cities Summit, part of IGH’s A Place to Call Home initiative. This select group of vanguard cities will be on the front line of the larger global movement, leading by example and demonstrating what’s possible. Each city will commit to achieving a goal by the end of 2020 that puts them on a path to ending street homelessness by 2030.
Our partners at DePaul University’s Newsline reported on the event:
What can homelessness advocates in Chile teach housing experts in Australia? How can ideas sparked in the streets in South Africa reach policymakers in Canada? While homelessness looks different around the globe, solutions are now being shared and adapted between cities as part of A Place to Call Home, a campaign of the Institute of Global Homelessness at DePaul.
“We are generating the momentum of a global campaign, and bringing these cities together is the drumbeat beneath it all,” says Kat Johnson, director of the institute.
Last week, about 40 international policymakers and advocates gathered at DePaul for the first official meeting of the vanguard cities, a group at the forefront of the institute’s campaign to end street homelessness. These cities will work to set an achievable goal to address street homelessness in their city by 2020 as part of the goal to help 150 cities work toward ending homelessness by 2030.
“Most importantly, they’re going to prove that it’s possible to make significant progress in ending street homelessness,” Johnson says.
Read the full article here.