Lived Experience/Expertise

Homelessness disproportionately affects people of the global majority and other groups who have been historically marginalized. Structural and systemic racism can look different in different parts of the world, but we see an undeniable global throughline between racism and homelessness. In addition, experiential knowledge — knowledge derived from personal experience — of what works and what doesn’t work in a system is rarely valued or used in governmental decision-making due to power dynamics and inequitable knowledge exchange practices. In order to effectively prevent and end homelessness, equity — tailored support or solutions based on the understanding of the unique challenges and barriers faced by individuals or populations — must be prioritized.


Nothing About Us Without Us: Seven Principles for Leadership and Inclusion of People with Lived Experience of Homelessness

Nothing About Us Without Us: Seven Principles for Leadership and Inclusion of People with Lived Experience of Homelessness

From Storytelling to Rights-Based Participation

From Storytelling to Rights-Based Participation

Creating Conditions for Lived and Living Experience to Transform Research

Creating Conditions for Lived and Living Experience to Transform Research

Designing Lived-Experience Input Sessions for the Framework for an Equitable COVID-19 Homelessness Response

Designing Lived-Experience Input Sessions for the Framework for an Equitable COVID-19 Homelessness Response

Making the Shift Virtual Event Series: In Conversation with Jesse Thistle

Making the Shift Virtual Event Series: In Conversation with Jesse Thistle

Engaging People with Lived Experience: Pre-Relationship to Relationship Building Assessment Tool and Resource Guide

Engaging People with Lived Experience: Pre-Relationship to Relationship Building Assessment Tool and Resource Guide

Centering Equity in Collective Impact

Centering Equity in Collective Impact

Podcast: Rethinking Development - Right in Principle, Right in Practice

Podcast: Rethinking Development - Right in Principle, Right in Practice

What We Heard about COVID-19, Homelessness, and Services from People with Lived Experience

What We Heard about COVID-19, Homelessness, and Services from People with Lived Experience

The Lived Experience Workshops Report

The Lived Experience Workshops Report

Towards an Equitable and Inclusive Housing System for All

Towards an Equitable and Inclusive Housing System for All

Podcast: Alchemy of Housing Justice

Podcast: Alchemy of Housing Justice

Challenging Exclusion: Experts With Lived Experience of Homelessness Transforming Policy Processes

Challenging Exclusion: Experts With Lived Experience of Homelessness Transforming Policy Processes

Danjoo Koorliny - Walking Together Towards Everyone Having a Place to Sleep and Call Home

Danjoo Koorliny - Walking Together Towards Everyone Having a Place to Sleep and Call Home

Exploring the Role of People With Lived Experience of Poverty in Finding Solutions to Poverty

Exploring the Role of People With Lived Experience of Poverty in Finding Solutions to Poverty

Webinar - Lessons from Lived Experience: Building Solidarity and Community Knowledge for Housing Justice

Webinar - Lessons from Lived Experience: Building Solidarity and Community Knowledge for Housing Justice

Stigma, Discrimination, and PWLE Knowledge

Stigma, Discrimination, and PWLE Knowledge

The Homeless Individual’s Viewpoint: Causes of Homelessness and Resources Needed to Leave the Sheltered Environment

The Homeless Individual’s Viewpoint: Causes of Homelessness and Resources Needed to Leave the Sheltered Environment

Review of Literature & Practice: Co-Design

Review of Literature & Practice: Co-Design

Podcast: NCH "Voices of Homelessness"

Podcast: NCH "Voices of Homelessness"

‘Working ‘With’ Homeless Persons’ - Consumer Participation and Homelessness Services in Australia

‘Working ‘With’ Homeless Persons’ - Consumer Participation and Homelessness Services in Australia

A National Housing Strategy By And For Whom? Documented Experiences of People With Living Knowledge of Housing Need

A National Housing Strategy By And For Whom? Documented Experiences of People With Living Knowledge of Housing Need

Lived Experience as Expertise Toolkit

Lived Experience as Expertise Toolkit

Webinar: Nothing About Us Without Us

Webinar: Nothing About Us Without Us

Fieldnotes and Lived Experiences of Housing Precarity

Fieldnotes and Lived Experiences of Housing Precarity


UN Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent

UN Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent

Canadian Lived Experience Leadership Network

Canadian Lived Experience Leadership Network

MtS Scholars With Lived Experience Network

MtS Scholars With Lived Experience Network

NITEP Colectivo

NITEP Colectivo

People With Lived Experience Institute

People With Lived Experience Institute